I create images of your life that are real, and which make you feel something when you look at them. I tell the story of your phase of life with honesty and nostalgia, and am constantly asking myself:
“what will this family cherish ten years from now?” Guess what? It’s not perfect posey poses.
It’s the details, your relationships, and the environment that you want to remember always.
For me, it’s the way my sons wrestle, my daughter’s wild imagination, their smiles, and their pouts. It’s the way my son plays with my hair when I hold him, and how my daughter asks me for cheek-to-cheek hug “fill ups.”
I encourage families to choose sentimental locations, and not to freak out about attire. Also, it’s important to capture the whole family: grandparents, adult siblings, pets and any other important relationships.
Let’s be honest, we focus on posed babies and milestones because of marketing, but how much do I wish I had a portrait of myself as an adult, still cuddling my grandmother the way I did as a kid?